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Audio is a versatile platform for developing narratives , leaving plenty of room for the listeners imagination.
Here’s a selection of Podcasts,immersive soundscapes and other content I’ve produced.


At the heart of Melbourne's permaculture community is PERMABLITZ a brilliant volunteer organisation that transforms peoples gardens into efficient thriving edible spaces and educates and builds community in the process.I attended the 100th Blitz and made this podcast to commemorate it.



Knoxbridge Park is an interactive simulation commissioned for KIOSC at SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY that challenges visitors to make sustainable urban planning decisions for their city, as they balance the economic, environmental and socio-cultural well being of their community.

Understanding the cognition in this learning process creates a better experience .Priming students for learning can be done through creative content- in this case a song/rap that uses the core values of the school as lyrical ingredients.

"KNOCKING DOWN WALLS" is the theme music from the orientation program made with KIOSC students and local musicians.

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An imaginary radio show excerpt in which inhabitants of "Knoxbridge Park " discuss key issues for creating a sustainable urban development.

The audio was created by playing a series of themed drama games with students around key themes of sustianable devlopement and recording and then editing the dialogue that ensued.